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“Frightened be damned. Then how does she manage to get into every corner and to look through every window? She will use up all our windows in no time at all. And still, not a word, nothing at all. Frightened, my foot.”

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Production directed by Philippe Adrien, Paris, 2004.

She reminded me about something … but, about you, if you want to know, yes, about you, my darling.
About me?
Ha, ha, ha. There is no need to stare. Hang it all, I am sorry. Margaret, I admit that I got carried away, but can you imagine, I can’t even look at this poor child without thinking of you. What? I didn’t want to speak about it, it is embarrassing, but if you want me to be frank, I will. You know how sometimes one person reminds us of another … not altogether, in sort of a different condition as it were, you understand? When I see Grumpy Dumpy … the way she moves … sloppy, groping, fumbling … it makes me think of you (Whispers) all floppy … and undone…
She reminds you of me … undone?
Exactly, Exactly what you are thinking. Say it. Say it yourself and you will see that it is the same. Whisper it to me.
Ignatius, my God.
I see, Madame, you would rather keep your little secrets.
You are forgetting yourself.
On the contrary, I am remembering. I am remembering all sorts of things. In a moment I shall remember all. (Muttering) Mamma, gugga.
(Leaves hurriedly)
What does it all mean?
—Ivona, Princess of Burgundia, Act III [Trans. Grifith-Jones and Robins]

Ivona, Princess of Burgundia, Act III [Trans. Grifith-Jones and Robins] 

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Production directed by Alice Ronfard, Trident Theater, Québec, 1998.