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Iguazu Falls.

This madness has no end …

Finally, the rumbling takes shape—it’s Iguazu. You see, in an oblique perspective, the plunges and the vertiginous walls of water that collapse into a foaming cauldron somewhere in the depths below. You are immediately struck by the stunning union of movement and immobility — for this waterfall IS actually stationary, even though it is nothing but a demented fury surrounded by an unbelievable roar. […]
However, there is something else barely less strange in the spectacle stretching in front of me : this madness has no end; this outburst of rage will last for a month, a year, a hundred years! The most stupefying aspect of Iguazu is the continuous DURATION, unheard of and unthinkable to our minds, of this cataract that should exhaust itself, stall, and eventually come to a standstill, considering the tremendous loss of energy caused by the fall…

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Argentinian Peregrinations in French, Ed. Christian Bourgois.

The Marxists have no interest in existentialism …

However, Marxism resembles Catholicism in the sense that it also considers itself the proprietor of a science of life, one that is considered supreme and definitive. For a Marxist, the universe is not composed of shocking enigmas; everything he needs in life was fixed and defined once and for all by the manuals of dialectic materialism. However, it would be wise to remind these gentlemen that humanity does not end with Karl Marx; that proudly sheltering oneself from new ideologies behind a Great Wall of China gradually reduces Marxist theory to a more and more sterile doctrine, already largely outdated and reeking of the very boredom of people who go round in circles and ramble endlessly. It is certainly because of its inability to assimilate new ideas that the Marxist doctrine is currently falling.
Argentinian Peregrinations [Trans. Dubowski]