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2.03.2019, Luxembourg, The death of Maria Paczowska

It is with great sadness that we learned of the death of Maria Paczowska, died in Luxembourg on Saturday 2 March 2019, she was 87 years old. 

"I would like to pay tribute to the memory of Maria Paczowska, who recently passed away two years after her husband Bohdan. Both of them were not only unwavering friends of Witold Gombrowicz during the last years of his life but also active defenders of his work. The many beautiful photos taken by Bohdan bear witness to this. I express my gratitude to them for their support in my loneliness after Witold's death. And my regrets and sorrow for the loss of the last loyal friends who knew Witold Gombrowicz personally."

Rita Gombrowicz


On the photos: Witold Gombrowicz, Maria Paczowska, Bohdan Paczowski et Rita Gombrowicz, Vence 1967

Author: Bohdan Paczowski